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Empowering product executives through network and community.

Join this exclusive community of like-minded product leaders & executives.


Building the next generation of product executives, powered by community.

It is a safe platform for members to build peer networks, learn new skills, participate in high quality events, access experts, coaches, and job opportunities to build their executive careers.

Our values

Our values are the guiding principles of this community.


Trust is the foundation of any great community; without trust there is no friendship.


One plus one is more than two; we believe that strong communities lead to solid partnerships.


Strong communities are influential; they can move mountains.


A community that learns together, grows together.


Empathy, kindness, and goodwill are the key ingredients of a nurturing community.


It feels nice to be included, but it is very important to belong.


Founding Members of CPO Track

Get to know everyone involved.
Tiama Hanson-Drury
CPO at Minna Technologies
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Joe Tinston
CPO at Bloom & Wild
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Tiama Hanson-Drury
CPO at Minna Technologies
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Tiama Hanson-Drury
CPO at Minna Technologies
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Joe Tinston
CPO at Bloom & Wild
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Jane Austin
CPO at Juniver
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Ankur Sharma
CPTO at Perkbox
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Nicholas Goubert
CPO at Ocean Technologies Group
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Arthur Leung
CPO at Shawbrook Bank
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Paul Debahy
CPO & Founder at Luna
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Ed Biden
CPO & Founder at Hustle Badger
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Ritu Soni
SVP Product
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Sam Talbot
CPO at Livescore Group
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Liz Clow
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Prachi Garg
SVP Product
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like-minded product leaders & executives.

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