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We have the best product and executive coaches to guide you in your leadership journey.

They have been handpicked just for our members.

Product Coaches & Executive Coaches 

Recommended coaches

Our coaches align with our values and are fully vetted. They are the best in business!
Watch our coach video here.

Would you like to be a
CPO Track coach? Please apply here

Gina Jardine
Executive Coach
Jon Palmstrom
Executive Coach
Cat Totty
Executive Coach
Geraldine Butler-Wright
Executive & Performance Coach
Seb Knox-Agertoft
Product & Executive Coach
Ilona Brannen
Executive Coach
Namrata Sarmah
Product Leadership Coach
Ed Biden
Product Leadership Coach
Ankur Sharma
Product Leadership Coach
Alexandra Lung
Product Leadership Coach
Nicholas Goubert
Product Leadership Coach
Lamorna Keljalic
Executive Coach
Emma van Dijkum
Product Leadership Coach
Sarah Timms
Product Leadership Coach
Timoté Geimer
Product Leadership Coach

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like-minded product leaders & executives.

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